Photo of Katya Di Matteo Spain

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Katya Di Matteo was born in Montevideo on October 1, 1976. In 1991 he began to combine their studies with the plastic side, entering the drawing and painting workshops Ateneo de Montevideo, coursing through 1993. In 1993 he joined the school of arts and crafts Dr.: Pedro Figari, for travs volume study of the teachings of wood carving, with the additional materials: sculpture, drawing and art history. In this same year...

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Katya Di Matteo was born in Montevideo on October 1, 1976. In 1991 he began to combine their studies with the plastic side, entering the drawing and painting workshops Ateneo de Montevideo, coursing through 1993. In 1993 he joined the school of arts and crafts Dr.: Pedro Figari, for travs volume study of the teachings of wood carving, with the additional materials: sculpture, drawing and art history. In this same year enters body shops expression of the Municipality of Montevideo, staying for three years. Makeup developed several studies, in 1995 asentndose Polizn theater workshops, specializing in caracterizaciny scene. In late 1995 Dr. leaving school: Pedro Figari, being entitled as a technique in woodworking. In the years 1996 and 1997 lies in the interior of the country conducting workshops for plastic expression. Also attends workshops and milonga tango. Back Montevideo in 1998, he entered the workshop of the sculptor as Nimar Salmini Fellow during this year. This year is beginning to ply their trade of a carver, until 2004. Participates with the Aboriginal groups Sep, in several trips in search of pictographic, prints, constructions ptree, the native and indgenas. Body back to his studies in the workshop of Casa de Galicia Flamenco in Montevideo in 1999. The particular form continuarde the dancer Laura Ramos for College of the republic and later in the group formed by the municipality. Participates in the organization formaciny artistic troupe of Afro-Uruguayan The Gozadera for the dissemination of popular dances and rhythms. Back in 2000 to Dr.: Pedro Figari, to continue his studies in painting, the second year specializing in the study of landscape area that also touches his work. Receive Special Mention Award for his xylograph Philips Rock. In 2001 he scholarship from the Bank Boston Foundation to study at the School of Musical Comedy. For 2002 he joined the National School of Fine Arts, studying two years of Seminary of the aesthetic. From 1991 to 2003 collected 17 solo and group exhibitions in different Mbit, such as museums, cafes, cultural and governmental centers. In 2005, he worked as an apprentice painter YMS late as failures. Make course of industrial design and interiors. For the year 2006 sponsored by the house of Uruguay Uruguay Valencia exposed landscapes Patraix in the festivities. Later this same year, the exhibition presents Primitive south on Natalia Gil Galera, in the city of Valencia Spain.

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